My Neighbor Totoro
My Neighbor Totoro
My Neighbor Totoro is a heartwarming animated film directed by Hayao Miyazaki. The story revolves around two sisters, Satsuki and Mei, who move to a countryside home with their father, Tatsua. While there, the Kusakabe family learn that the new house is rumored to be haunted. Knowing this, the imaginative and curious sisters go on many adventures. Satsuki, approximately 10 years old, and Mei, around 4 years old, discover a magical world in the lush countryside filled with rice farms and a majestic Camphor tree.
As the sisters explore, they encounter Totoro, a friendly and mysterious spirit inspired by Shinto beliefs. Totoro becomes a friend, helping the girls navigate their challenges. In fact, the film captures the everyday life of the Kusakabe family. As an added bonus- My Neighbor Totoro is full of fun-loving characters like the cat bus!
My Neighbor Totoro is a classic animated film for people of all ages. The film’s charm lies in its ability to evoke a sense of friendship, making for an enjoyable watching experience.
Already seen the movie? Check out my recap and review!
My neighbor Totoro Cast
The English dub cast for the 2005 version of “My Neighbor Totoro” includes:
- Dakota Fanning as Satsuki
- Elle Fanning as Mei
- Tim Daly as Mr. Kusakabe (Tatsuo)
- Lea Salonga as Yasuko (Mrs. Kusakabe)
- Pat Carroll as Granny
- Frank Welker as Totoro / Catbus
- Paul Butcher as Kanta
- Newell Alexander as Kanta’s Father
- Sherry Lynn as Kanta’s Mother
- Kenneth Mars as Totoro’s Roar
- Debi Derryberry as Kanta’s Grandmother
Where to Watch
At the time of this post, My Neighbor Totoro is available to stream on MAX through subscription.
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